case study

JuniperMarket Seller Admin

Project context

Sellers on Junipermarket need a way to upload their product sets and profile information, as well as keep track of orders, buyer requests, and other administrative tasks related to selling on Junipermarket.

To assist sellers in managing their Junipermarket accounts, the JuniperMarket Admin portal has been designed specifically for them. This product provides an efficient and user-friendly interface for sellers to manage their account and keep track of orders seamlessly.

My role

-Lead UX and UI Designer

-I designed the entire Junipermarket Admin platform in quarter 1 of 2021

- I worked closely with the development team on implementation in quarter 2 of 2021 until launch


January 2021 to July 2021


To kick off the  Junipermarket Admin project, the PM and I held an early meeting to discuss the project's goals, limitations, and expected user journey.

As the lead UX designer for the project, my main responsibility was to shape the user experience of the initial version of the platform. This involved designing the minimum viable product (MVP) from ideation to production.

Junipermarket required an intuitive order and content management system for vendors, as well as a tool to transform raw data into usable content for buyers. Before beginning the design process, I prioritized understanding and balancing user needs, business goals, and cross-platform technical dependencies.

Project goals

📈 Design and launch a minimum viable product (MVP) for Junipermarket Admin.
📈Create a  Junipermarket Admin that allows vendors to upload relevant and necessary data and information to the platform.
📈 Get sellers onboarded to Junipermarket as quickly as possible
📈 Expedite the onboarding process for sellers to Junipermarket.
📈Ensure sellers provide the minimum required information and data to appear on Junipermarket.
📈Provide clear visibility for sellers over buyer connections, orders, and order management to create a streamlined order process for both buyers and sellers.

Zero to one: Shaping design and mapping out user stories

During the early design phase, I started fleshing out the sitemap and some low-fidelity wireframes based on the initial requirements provided by the product manager. My primary objective was to get aligned with the tech leads on the project, so I used these wireframes to initiate discussions with them. Given the short timeline, feasibility was a top priority for the team. Therefore, we worked together to ensure that the design compromises made did not negatively affect the user experience for the sellers using the app.

Getting internal feedback on low fidelity wireframes

Due to the tight timeline, we were unable to schedule dedicated feedback sessions with sellers to obtain their input on the low-fidelity wireframes. To address this, I arranged meetings with various Customer Support team members who had extensive knowledge of the users and could provide valuable feedback. Their feedback was generally positive, and they offered crucial insights that we needed to consider:

🔎How are sales reps assigned and credited to orders from their customer accounts?
🔎 How do sales reps manage special pricing/discounts for specific customers on Junipermarket?
🔎 What is the process for handling items that ship at a later date in an order?
🔎 How will sales reps be notified if their buyers want to contact them?

While some of these questions could not be addressed in the initial MVP, they were critical features that we aimed to develop post-launch. These included the sales rep assignment and commissioning of orders, special pricing and discounts for specific customers, and notifying sales reps. Despite not being able to address all these features in the initial MVP, we were able to rework the order process. Sellers would now have the option to split an order based on shipping dates, providing buyers with clarity over which items would ship and when.

Finalizing designs for implementation

After receiving approval from internal stakeholders on the low-fidelity wireframes and sitemap, I proceeded to finalize the designs for implementation. Utilizing JuniperData's design system as a baseline, I built the  Junipermarket Admin design system, creating new components during the design process. I collaborated with developers to ensure the feasibility of component implementation. The design process involved working on design tickets, refining designs based on feedback from developers, completing the design, uploading it to Zeplin, and reviewing the design post-implementation.

Actionable information at a glance

The dashboard view of Junipermarket Admin displays crucial data such as total sales, new orders, order shipped, and top customers, providing sellers with immediate access to actionable insights. This feature is instrumental in streamlining product management and driving sales growth.

Vendor brand customization

Sellers can customize their Junipermarket brand page, showcasing their products and unique selling proposition. This feature is crucial for establishing a strong brand presence on Junipermarket and building trust with potential buyers.

Order fullfilment settings

Sellers can easily customize shipping settings. Once an order is accepted, sellers can enter the shipping information, which feeds into their ERP system. This feature enables efficient order fulfillment with customizable shipping methods, carriers, and fees based on the order's weight, destination, and delivery timeline.